Writing Prompt #109 Dialogue snippet: “She solves all her problems on her back.” Practice Writing in 3 Breezy Steps Take 5 minutes to consider the prompt. Who spoke the line? What does it say about the speaker? About the character s/he is referring to? How would you respond in this situation? How does your protagonist respond? Write […]
Writing Prompt #108 + An Unstick Your Plot Technique
Here’s a professional writing technique to get your story unstuck. Sometimes the best way to figure out what happens next in your story is to ask yourself what wouldn’t happen. That’s according to Emma Coats and her Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling. After practicing this technique in our writing prompt today, you’ll have a no-fail […]
5 Challenges of The One-Two Punch Writing Approach (And How To Overcome Them)
Did you try it yet? On Monday we talked about the powerfully effective, two-front attack on writers block that got me through my writing fears this week. Today I’m sharing a few of the challenges I encountered with the writers block-busting method I discovered this week that finally got me working daily on that story. The reason I’m sharing these […]
Too Scared To Write? The One-Two Punch Approach That Finally Got Me Writing
So there I was. Feeling guilty that I’ve spent more time blogging about my story-writing goals than actually pursuing them. When I decide I’m going to sit down and write. I mean really, really write. Because it’s been forever, and that means I have a lot to catch up on. So I should write about […]
Writing Prompt #107: Something to Prove
Writing Prompt #107 Your protagonist buys a houseplant to prove something. Practice Writing in 3 Breezy Steps Take five minutes to consider how your protagonist got here. What is he or she trying to prove? (Extra points if he isn’t trying to prove that he can take care of something.) What prompted him to feel he had to […]