What stands in your way, writer? Writer’s block makes it tough to know sometimes. Is it just fear? Or is there some writing skill left to uncover before you can move your story forward? I love me some writing courses, in case it’s ever the latter That’s why I was already a fan of […]
The Truth about MBTI Character Types Every Writer Should Know
This is part three of the MBTI for Writers Series. See the character creation worksheets and the 16 personality types (and how to use them to write complex characters) in the rest of the series. Before we get into character design using MBTI personality types, there’s something you should know. Your MBTI type isn’t your […]
3 Ways to Know (or Choose) Your Fictional Character’s MBTI Type + An Overview of the 16 Types
This is part four of the MBTI for Writers Series. See the character creation worksheets and cheatsheets in the rest of the series. Character development can be tough for writers who don’t have the right tools. So let’s just jump right into choosing your fictional character’s MBTI type, shall we? Here are three ways to […]
So What Exactly Is MBTI? The 5-Minute Breakdown for Writers
This is part two of the MBTI for Writers Series—a quick overview of MBTI and how it works. See the character creation worksheets and the 16 personality types (and how to use them to write complex characters) in the rest of the series. You don’t have to be an expert in MBTI to create realistic characters […]
Every Great Work of Fiction Has This One Thing
This is part one of the MBTI for Writers Series—a quick overview of MBTI and how it works. See the character creation worksheets and the 16 personality types (and how to use them to write complex characters) in the rest of the series. Think of your favorite book. (Not always easy to choose just one, I […]